Welcome to Urban Pet, your number one source for pet food products in the UAE. We are dedicated to providing you with the best products sourced from leading animal feed factories here in the UAE, with a focus on excellence, customer service and product uniqueness.
Stuck at work? We can help with dog walks to give your pooch(es) some one-on-one exercise. No group walks – all walks are booked for single household only. Discounts for regularly booked walks are available.
15 minute walk (M-F only): $20
25 minute walk: $22
55 minute walk: $35
55 minute training walk: $65
While you're away, we'll provide your pet with the highest level of comfort: food/water, no forced medication, play or exercise, and as much love as your furry friend can stand. We can also:
Pick up litter and clean litter boxes.
Clean up any messes made by your pet.
Water plants, check mail, bring packages, put out trash, turn on lights, etc
10 minute visit (cat only): $15
15 minute visit (cat only): $20
30 minute visit: $22
60 minute visit: $35
Overnight sitting: $80
Live-in sitting: $110
Concierge/Pet Taxi
Need help with transporting your pet to the vet or groomer? Need a bag of dog food or cat litter? We can help!
Please contact us for pricing


We are proud to be a locally owned and operated pet sitting and dog walking company.
Pack & Pride is the brainchild of Alex Fowler and Amanda Oliver – pet owners (two beagles, Francis and Faye), parents of three daughters, and 25 years of combined expertise in pet care in and around Raleigh. . . Our experienced pet sitters are fully insured and members of the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters. We started life as an Oak City pet sitter, but in early 2021 left Riley behind and rebranded our business to Pack & Pride.
What makes us special
Quite simply - we're a family-run small business that's the perfect size. Policies, quality control standards, and redundancy that make us reliable. And small enough to have a personal relationship with each client. We are committed to continuously delighting customers and continuously improving our operations every day.
Our approach to customer service
We hate to say no. We believe in fair pricing. We have the largest service area of ​​a local pet sitting firm. And most importantly, we take the stress out of worrying about your pet while you're at work or away. Regular word of mouth from our customers and our five star ratings on Yelp!, Facebook and Google show that we are committed to 100% customer satisfaction.
Using technology to stay connected
We love technology and use it to make customers' lives easier. We use the industry-leading Time to Pet platform, which handles all of our scheduling, invoicing and visit reports. Clients have a choice of email or text notifications after each visit.