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  • Brand: Bio-Pet Active
  • DermaDog Garlic & Brewer's Yeast 0.5 for Dogs
  • Size: 150 tablets

Supplementary product with Vitamins and Amino Acids made to protect skin and bowel health of small and medium breed cats. Brewer’s Yeast, Biotin  helps support the development of healthy skin, reduces shedding and keeps your pet’s coat shiny and healthy.

MOS (Mannan oligosaccharide),  with the prebiotic effect, increases the beneficial bacteria in the bowel; Causing harmful bacteria to diminish, helping our friend to benefit from the maximum amount of food he has eaten, and playing a role in boosting immunity.

Yucca Shidigera extract,  reduces the smell of urine and stool.

Garlic,  It is an antibacterial and nutritional supplement that helps to eliminate toxins and strengthens overall metabolism.

Choline,  helps regulate the liver metabolism of our old cat, who has been friends and family for years.

Bio-Pet Active DermaDog Garlic & Brewer's Yeast 0.5 for Dogs, 150 tablets

SKU: 8698931092045
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